
This is for the fans.

I would like to Thank the two friends that left me comments! I know who one of the people are but not sure of the other, i think it may be my stalker. I love you all and i wouldn't be here without you! ok ok all kidding aside I really do appreciate everyone's support.  Because of the encouragment I am suckin it up and im gonna keep on truckin. I had an orange for lunch because I just could not bring myself to gag down the brown rice. For dinner I had a chicken salad. I didn't work out today, unless you count what me and my hubby did...(wink wink). I do plan on working out tomorrow. My mom will have Emily late so i am going dust off the cardio Go-Go dance Dvd and get my butt movin! I haven't worked out to this dvd in.......over a year! yeesh! All i remember is you have to jump up like 50 times. I don't mind jumping but I know two of my "special" body parts that don't appreciate it as much. I haven't noticed much of a diffrence yet. My clothes still fit the same, the scale and measuring tape aren't doing much either. I hope i can start seeing somthing soon. Just a boost in energy would be nice (I heard healthy people are more energized and spunky). Can you imagine me being spunky! Let's GO-GO!!


Cheater Cheater Candy Eater and only the 2nd day!

Well Day two of the 7 day diet. I had a small grilled chicken salad for lunch and a bowl of vegetable soup for dinner. I did good but then i ate a homemade caramel, it was a moment of weakness. But I think I will still be ok. I worked out with Savannah tonight and I almost died. Picture it, ME in my work out gear all energized and really getting into the moves, kicking high, hips thrusting and my booty is shakin! HELL YEAH!!! now fast forward 30 minutes, im hunched over breathing hard, you can hear my heart pounding from a mile away, my kicks are barley leaving the ground, I am standing there looking at Savannah like 'are you freaking kidding me!' and I am ready to sit on my booty and eat some Caramels. Then Savannah tells me to get off my FAT @$$ stupid and get to work! No just kidding!! She tells me "you can do it!" "It will all be worth it in the end!" and then somehow I just finish my workout, whether they look like they are supposed too is a different story.....but that doesn't matter I finished! I guess if it wasn't hard then it probably wouldn't be working right! please tell me that right.....


Gettin' Serious!

Well today is the day that I start getting really serious. I have been working out for the last 4 weeks, 3 times a week and dieting. I am having trouble sticking to the diet, so i decieded to put myself on a very strict cleansing diet for 1 week. In consists of brown rice and vegetables. I think I can, I think I can. I have also sworn off soda. Well I actually swore off soda yesturday but I caved and had one but I did get rid of the rest of it so i wouldn't have that temptation around. So I am officially starting my soberity today. I had an apple for breakfast which isnt saying much because i never eat breakfast anyway, but where i am only aloud a one cup serving of food per meal i am definetly eating breakfast. I would be starving by dinner time. I worked out last night with "My Motivator", Savannah, yesturday after work and OMG the work out she had planned kicked my @$$. We have been working out to the FlirtyGirl Fitness DVD's and the rock. I'll be making some extra money in no time. Just kidding, but I was sweatin like crazy and my body felt like Jello. If it burns its working! Working out is such a blast. I like how comfortable I am....I know I don't have to be ashamed of the "to much pressure flatulence", we just laugh it off and go on with the workout. Actually we laugh most of the time that we are working out given the accidental air releases, the strength bands snapping up and smacking us in the behind or head, and the moaning and groaning during our "cat crawl pushups" (way harder then a regular pushup). I have been fortunate enough not to have the morning after sore muscle regrets yet. I measured myself last night and by butt is getting bigger, everything else is the same. Not what i wanted but it should start going the other way. I have lost 2 pounds though! So I give myself a mental high five for that. YAY ME!!!