
Cheater Cheater Candy Eater and only the 2nd day!

Well Day two of the 7 day diet. I had a small grilled chicken salad for lunch and a bowl of vegetable soup for dinner. I did good but then i ate a homemade caramel, it was a moment of weakness. But I think I will still be ok. I worked out with Savannah tonight and I almost died. Picture it, ME in my work out gear all energized and really getting into the moves, kicking high, hips thrusting and my booty is shakin! HELL YEAH!!! now fast forward 30 minutes, im hunched over breathing hard, you can hear my heart pounding from a mile away, my kicks are barley leaving the ground, I am standing there looking at Savannah like 'are you freaking kidding me!' and I am ready to sit on my booty and eat some Caramels. Then Savannah tells me to get off my FAT @$$ stupid and get to work! No just kidding!! She tells me "you can do it!" "It will all be worth it in the end!" and then somehow I just finish my workout, whether they look like they are supposed too is a different story.....but that doesn't matter I finished! I guess if it wasn't hard then it probably wouldn't be working right! please tell me that right.....


  1. You have got this girl. Come on EVERYONE!! Give my girl some spirit. I want her to succeed and be happy. I mean she is happy but I know she really wants to be back into her dress and if that isn't motivation then hell I don't know what is. GO LSUE Go!! You can do it I know you can. Please everyone out there give my sis some energy and more motivation.

  2. OK my little cheater cheater candy eater is slowly given up. I want people to encourage her. Lift her up and tell her she can do this. Dieting working out its a struggle and for anyone who has had to go down this road knows so please help me out here
